September 5, 2013-Thursday

Outside My Window:  3 hummingbirds are fighting over who controls the hummingbird feeder. I go up to the window while one plays king of the feeder and get within 2 feet of it. He flies away to the cherry tree and waits to be sure I will not come any closer before he returns to rule his sweet kingdom. 

What Is Happening In The House:  Heidi, our 11 year old tabby cat is laying at the basement door meowing. Does she want down? I open the door. She continues to lay and meow. Sometimes she’ll lay in this spot and meow when she wants someone to open the door in the next room that leads onto the deck so she can go lay in the sunshine. No. That’s not it either. Guess she just wants to declare  her presence to  to the universe.  We all feel a need to do that sometimes.

Bob is working from home today.  He monitors group homes for the state to make sure they follow state and federal regulations in regard to the care of the clients. He goes to each facility for 2 days, checks client/home conditions, go trough all records with a fine tooth comb. He then spends a day putting his findings into detail reports, seeing actions are taken in regard to any problems etc. If I had someone in a group home situation I would be glad knowing Bob and his team members are constantly monitoring them. I call them the “Pit Bulls” because they protect the clients physically as well as mentally as they make these facilities their home.

What I am Listening to;  “Adoration” by Kevin Wood on the Soundscapes music channel on Charter cable.

What Has Made Me Happy Today:  I IM’d Matthew this morning after reading this week’s edition of the newspaper he writes for. Matthew was graduated from Wake Forest University in 2012 in mass communications. He is a reporter for a weekly newspaper that’s been publishing for close to 100 years in GA. It’s an excellent starting point for him in his career, getting to learn the from the ground up, even though he has had to made a few adjustments to living in the mountains of north Georgia. He has seen what it’s like to have a specific deadline, as compared to when he freelanced for several papers when he was first graduated.  The many articles he writes weekly is essential to these people since news given by this paper is the only local/regional coverage other than a small radio station in a busy rural/vacation home area. Anyway, he texted back and we chatted for a while. I am so proud of him!

What Is Weighing Heavy On My Mind Today:  Nothing.

If I Had One Wish Granted:  I think I’d wish to be able to have a passion for drawing/painting. I do not try to do either because having tried in the past, I get depressed with how badly I do these things. I wish I could sit down with a sketch pad and simply let my hand create on paper what my mind and soul sees.

What I Should Be Doing Now Instead Of Writing:  Having finished painting my kitchen cabinets last month, I should be gluing the edges of the wallpaper that has begun to curl slightly away from the wall over the past 6 months.

What I’m Going To Do After I Finish This Post: I am going to sweep the kitchen and go over it with a mop. I think I might put dishes in the dishwasher before going to put a load of towels in to wash.